Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Google Keep: Make notes collaboratively

Today I will share one feature of Google Notes which accidentally I came to know. Though I am using Google Notes for last couple of years but I was not aware about this feature. If you and your partner (Wife/friends) wants to create a list which you guys want to buy and you both collaboratively update the same list from your mobile then google notes has an answer for you.
  1. Install Google Keep or go to https://keep.google.com/
  2. Create your own list and at the bottom you can find “Collaborator” icon.
  1. Select the person you want to share with. Now both you can see the same list and add/edit the it from your own phone or open the account online and edit there.

  1. When complete one item you can just check the box to mark as complete


  1. Even though I am using it from past 3-4 years but not aware of this feature, certainly now I can get rid of arguments with my wife over missing items from grocery shop. :)

    1. Thanks for reading my blog! Yeah we can do more like place reminder on note, Talk and take note etc..

  2. Good feature, thanks for sharing.

  3. This feature also comes with disadvantages. You will leave house thinking you need to bring already written 2 or 3 items but by the time you reach the shop, the list will have 15+ items. Lol

    Nice post Aniruddha

    1. Haha...this is not disadvantage of that feature, it is disadvantage of married life known as "Shadi ka Side Effect"!!

      Thanks for reading my blog!
